2019 Kentucky SCHOOL GUIDE Public Schools
Allen Central Middle School
Hwy 80 Rebel Road
Eastern, KY 41622
Phone: 606-358-0110
Fax: 606-358-0112
Grades: PK-08
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
Allen Elementary School
112 Eagle Lane
Allen, KY 41601
Phone: 606-874-2165
Fax: 606-874-0603
Grades: PK-08
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
Betsy Layne Elementary School
256 School Street
Betsy Layne, KY 41605
Phone: 606-263-6272
Fax: 606-478-9787
Grades: PK-08
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
Betsy Layne High School
554 Bobcat Blvd
Stanville, KY 41659
Phone: 606-263-6280
Fax: 606-478-3805
Grades: 09-12
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
May Valley Elementary School
481 Stephens Branch Road
Martin, KY 41649
Phone: 606-285-0883
Fax: 606-285-0884
Grades: PK-05
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
Prestonsburg Elementary School
140 South Clark Road
Prestonsburg, KY 41653
Phone: 606-886-3891
Fax: 606-886-9081
Grades: PK-05
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
Prestonsburg High School
825 Blackcat Blvd
Prestonsburg, KY 41653
Phone: 606-886-2252
Fax: 606-886-1745
Grades: 09-12
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
Renaissance Learning Center
11479 Main Street
Martin, KY 41649
Phone: 606-285-3634
Fax: 606-285-3031
Grades: 06-12
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
South Floyd Elementary School
299 Mt Raider Drive
Hi Hat, KY 41636
Phone: 606-263-6175
Grades: K-06
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
Stumbo Elementary School
6945 Kentucky Route 979
Grethel, KY 41631
Phone: 606-263-6200
Fax: 606-587-2218
Grades: PK-08
Website: www.floyd.kyschools.us
Franklin County
Frankfort Independent School District
959 Leestown Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-875-8661
Fax: 502-875-8663
Grades: PK-12
Website: frankfort.k12.ky.us
Finance Director: Tom Campbell
Superintendent: Houston Barber
Capital City Prep
104 South University Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-597-6573
Fax: 502-875-8652
Grades: 09-12
Website: frankfort.k12.ky.us
Frankfort High School
328 Shelby Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-875-8655
Fax: 502-227-4188
Grades: 07-12
Website: frankfort.k12.ky.us
Rosenwald Empowerment and Prep Academy
104 South University Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-597-6000
Grades: 09-12
Website: frankfort.k12.ky.us
Second Street School
506 West Second Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-875-8658
Fax: 502-875-8665
Grades: PK-06
Website: frankfort.k12.ky.us
Franklin County Public School District
190 Kings Daughters Drive Suite 300
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-695-6700
Fax: 502-695-6708
Grades: PK-12
Website: franklin.kyschools.us
Finance Director: Lesley Wade
Superintendent: Mark Kopp
Academy, The
400 Democrat Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-695-6720
Fax: 502-695-9618
Grades: 06-12
Website: franklin.kyschools.us
Bondurant Middle School
300 Bondurant Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-875-8440
Fax: 502-875-8442
Grades: 06-08
Website: franklin.kyschools.us